ABI Q Series Driver

​ABI's new generation of real-time PCR machines, QuantStudio 3 and QuantStudio 5, are increasingly used in diagnostic and laboratory automation, but like 7500, Q3 and Q5 are still operated manually. In diagnostic applications, too many user operations are bound to lead to many user errors leading to abnormal results, difficult for users to use and cause many problems in later training and maintenance, making it difficult to promote the diagnosis project.

We have developed the ABI Q series qPCR development kit, which enables the Q-series qPCR integrated in your application software to achieve automatic control of the entire detection process of the Q-series qPCR instrument, including

Acquisition of instrument status

Obtain the instrument status information such as machine connection status and calibration information

Automatic detection control

Control the start and stop of the detection, monitor the progress of the detection

Obtain real-time detection data

Detection data can be obtained in real time

Data analysis

Control the analysis and acquisition of test data

With this development kit, we can integrate Q series qPCR instrument in diagnostic application, and realize one-click operation to finish all the operation from detection to analysis, which greatly simplifies the operation and avoids possible mistakes in user operations, and improves the user experience and automation degree of the product.