First usage of Huarui Laboratory Automation Software in Customer's System

First big laboratory automation system based on Huarui Laboratory Automation Software was Finished. This system included two bravo workstation/benchcell/minihub from Agilent, six incuation carriers from Mecour, two heater from Inheco, and one robot arm from Denso. The system was used for sample preparation for sequencing, and 8 assays ran on it. Huarui Laboratory Automation Software was highly recognized by customer

We provide blood screening system software for Bacme

We provided user software for Bacme's blood screening system, and enable their system become the first fully automated blood screening equipment in China. With ABI qPCR drive and Hamilton STAR driver, we automated ABI 7500 and Hamilton STAR, simplify the user's operation, and greatly improve the added value of the product to reach the same level of first-class equipment