ABI 7x00 Series Driver

ABI 7300, 7500 and 7500 fast qPCR is the most used in the field of molecular diagnostic, but due to the SDS software does not provide any controlling interface, and all solutions based on these devices are to use the SDS software, let the user manually complete the whole operation, including create new protocol file, start the test, analysis data and export a text file. These operations are complicated, requires complex training, which gives users a very poor experience. Meanwhile, frequent replacement of users and operators leads to a lot of unnecessary costs such as training and maintenance.

We developed the development kit for SDS software, with which we can easily achive the hardware state acquisition, starting detection, data analysis and monitoring real-time detection data as SDS software. ABI qPCR devices can be easily integrated into the application.

The development kit currently supports SDS 2.3, 2.4, and 2.6, and can control 7300, 7500, and 7500 fast.